Readings For The Week (26/5)

This week’s readings/links include a conversation with John Hempton on the Australian housing market, Prof. Mak Yuen Teen on board culture, behavior and dynamics, Pratap Bhanu Mehta on the triumph of Narenda Modi’s Hindu nationalism, a look at how greed and corruption blew up South Korea’s nuclear industry and Jimmy Wales on the importance of collaboration between […]

Readings For The Week (19/5)

This week’s readings/links include a talk at Google by Ian Chang, the master blender of Taiwan’s Kavalan whisky, a conversation with Kiril Sokoloff, a case study from Vostok New Ventures on their recently exited investment in Avito, Graham & Doddsville’s Spring 2019 newsletter (which includes an interview with John Hempton of Bronte Capital) and a […]

Readings For The Week (12/5)

This week’s readings/links include Euromoney’s look back at the Asia Financial Crisis, Deep Throat on our inevitable monetary journey, Indonesia’s latest plan to move its sinking capital, Annie Duke in conversation with Marc Andreessen and Sonal Chokshi and Dr. Mukulika Banerjee on the new Indian election. Asia ’97: The financial crisis that left its mark […]

Readings For The Week (4/5)

This week’s readings/links include Nikola Dvornak of Platinum on the appeal of the anti-predictable, a wide-ranging interview with Divya Narendra of SumZero, Andrew Batson of Gavekal on the realities of Belt and Road, Symphony’s Q1 2019 shareholder update and a conversation with Tim Levene of Augmentum on what’s next in fintech. The appeal of the […]