Readings For The Week (31/12)

Readings/content links include Tesla’s new supply agreement with New Caledonia for nickel, architect Yu Kongjian’s pioneering new approach to working with water, a conversation with Lucas White (portfolio manager of the GMO Climate Change Trust), Patrick Wintour on how Nord Stream 2 has paralyzed the West and a wide-ranging interview with Russell Clark. NY Times: […]

Readings For The Week (28/12)

Readings/content links include Peter Hessler on how his former students’ lives have been transformed since he taught them in Fuling back in the 1990s, a Goldman Sachs podcast on what India’s digital transformation means for markets, investors and economic growth, Adaro’s plans to diversify away from coal, an interview with Paul Salnikow (founder of the […]

Readings For The Week (19/12)

Readings/content links include Asia Society Japan’s interview with Russell Cummer (the founder of Paidy), Segra Capital share their thesis on Kazatomprom, a research paper on how firms respond to activist short seller reports and how these responses are associated with outcomes for the targeted firms, a Q&A with George Long of LIM Advisors and VEF […]

Russell Cummer (Asia Society)

Asia Society Japan hosted an interesting interview with Russell Cummer, the founder and executive chairman of Paidy. He discusses his journey building the company, eventually selling it to PayPal and why he thinks Japan is a land of opportunity for entrepreneurs and startups. Some notes are below – these are paraphrased and for personal reference […]

Paul Salnikow (Asia Tech Podcast)

Brief but interesting interview with Paul Salnikow, the chairman and CEO of the Executive Centre, one of the leading flexible workspace providers in Asia. He talked about his career path, how the business has evolved due to changes in technology and also shared his views on the future of work and flexible working spaces. Some […]

Readings For The Week (10/12)

Readings/content links include Greg Miller’s update on Covid-era shipping stocks, Murray Stahl on contrarian investing ideas, the Edelweiss Journal on searching for resilience, an interview with Peter Frankopan, news of NuScale reportedly looking to go public via a SPAC deal and Stephen Givens’ latest thoughts on Toshiba. Greg Miller: Covid-era shipping stocks – the (super) […]