Readings For The Week (8/2)

This week’s links include The Economist on the fast-growing global enterprise that is “Scam Inc,” Kitco Mining’s conversation with Grant Williams, Merlin Sheldrake and David Abram’s exploration of the more-than-human web of life, World Gold Council’s gold demand trends for Q4 & FY24, and a wide-ranging interview with Graham Duncan.

  • The Economist: The vast and sophisticated global enterprise that is Scam Inc (article paywalled, but there is also a podcast series).
  • Kitco Mining: Interview with Grant Williams.
  • Emergence Magazine: Honoring the wild proliferation of earthly perspectives, with Merlin Sheldrake and David Abram.
  • World Gold Council: Gold demand trends Q4 & FY24.
  • Invest Like The Best: Graham Duncan on his frameworks for pricing talent, matching the perfect person to a role, and how mindset and intensity separate masters from professionals in any field.