Expanded reading list this week. Enjoy!
- Tillerson in Asia: With its short-term focus on what currently occupies the American mind (North Korea), the U.S. is actually playing into China’s hands in Asia.
- Andrew Ng’s text trick: A leading AI researcher and educator says that millions of people should master deep learning.
- Interview with Warren Buffett: A conversation about bridge, Bill Gates and a bus ride.
- Why Asia is the future of global banking: Nicolas Aguzin of JP Morgan discusses China’s financial liberalisation efforts and the challenges global banks face in the payments space.
- The world’s best consumer story: Andy Rothman of Matthews Asia on the China consumer story.
- The S&P 500: just say no: Latest white paper from Matt Kadnar and James Montier of GMO.
- Southeast Asia and the rise of ‘khaki capital’: Michael Peel reviews a new book by Paul Chambers and Napisa Waitoolkiat.
- Can Abe get his mojo back?: Peter Tasker on the prospects for Japan’s prime minister.
- Britain turns to Chinese textbooks to improve its math scores: Western classrooms are now adopting teaching techniques from Asia.
- Client webcast update: Recorded presentation on the performance, positioning and outlook for the Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust.