Readings For The Week (6/7)

This week’s readings/links include the BBC on Japan’s victory in its ‘war’ on floppy disks, Discerene Group on the special relativity of investment horizons, the WSJ on 7-Eleven’s strategy shift, John Elkann on the In Good Company podcast, Sylvia Yu Friedman’s interview with Jonathan Shih of Keyrock Capital and Oasis Management’s latest campaign to improve the corporate governance of Ain Holdings.

  • BBC: Japan declares victory in ‘war’ on floppy disks.
  • Discerene Group: On the special relativity of investment horizons.
  • WSJ: How 7-Eleven is shifting its business strategy to focus more on food as cigarette and gas sales have begun to slow.
  • In Good Company podcast: John Elkann – CEO of Exor.
  • Sylvia Yu Friedman: Interview with Jonathan Shih of Keyrock Capital.
  • Oasis Management: Improve Ain’s corporate governance.