Readings For The Week (29/5)

Readings/content links include Tribeca’s Guy Keller on uranium’s role in decarbonising the world, The Hustle’s interview with Stanley Druckenmiller, this month’s “The Short of it” episode, AVI Japan Opportunity Trust on the launch of three public campaigns (Tokyo Radiator, SK Kaken, NS Solutions) and a Q&A with Scott Cutler (CEO of StockX).

  • Guy Keller: Uranium’s role in decarbonising the world.
  • Stanley Druckenmiller: “The greatest investors make large concentrated bets where they have a lot of conviction.”
  • The Short of it: Meme stocks, crypto mania and the Elizabeth Holmes trial.
  • AVI Japan Opportunity Trust: Mid-month update on the launch of three public campaigns (Tokyo Radiator, SK Kaken, NS Solutions).
  • Scott Cutler: For StockX, selling sneakers is just the beginning.